Tuesday, February 17, 2009

oh. my.

Look where I am!

Okay, I'm not there now, but I was there this afternoon. The Tucson Desert Museum. This was taken out the car window [!] on the way there.

Want more? Here you go.

For those not following the Twitter storyline, here's what's happened since I last wrote.

- Was in transit from Toronto to Tucson, via LAX for 14 hours.
- My luggage decided it didn't want to go. I was wearing the same clothing for the first two days [though I was able to wash the stuff overnight so it wasn't ewwww]
- Taught a full day Plug & Play Shawl Design class without my swatches [see point above] and having to reprint all the class handouts [again, see above]. It went well, despite that.
- Luggage arrived last night. Have been wearing new clothing ever since. Happy.
- Temporarily lost my wallet/iPhone/everything when I got distracted by hummingbirds at the Desert Museum and put down my wrist-strap purse.
- Ran off the calories I would later consume in buttery homemade tortilla chips [SO GOOD you don't want to know] trying to find it.
- Grateful to the person who found it right away and brought it to the admin office, so I wasn't without my essentials for very long.

So that about catches you up. Highlights for the next few days:

- I get to meet the Tucson Handweavers and Spinners Guild tomorrow for lunch!
- I get to visit a store that stocks Flax Clothing in my size and maybe even buy some. I survived last summer thanks to the beauty of their easy and relaxed linen clothing.
- I get to visit a store that carries ukuleles! Just because I can! And because the flute fund still has a little balance in it. You know.

Hope you all are well! I have something really cool to share with you, but I'll save that for another post.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


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